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5 Ways Visual Search Will Change the Way You Market

3 minute reading
Most of us are using keywords when making internet searches. With “visual search”, we will be using images instead of words. When we say “images”, it is far different from typing a keyword on google search bar than clicking the “Images” tab to get picture results. “Visual search” literally starts with a picture and uses networks to identify what is in it, taking into consideration its shape, color, and size. The searcher is then served with the closest picture there is and sometimes, you’d get a...
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visual content visual marketing visual communication

The Purpose of Quality Photography For Your Business

# visual content
2 minute reading
The famous idiom that a picture is a worth a thousand words is classic yet effective business strategy when it comes to marketing your brand and reaching a lot of people. This has been tested and proven by media influencers like the Kardashians. Their impact on the brands they have handled has creat...
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