Decographic's Blog

3 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Social Ad Strategy

Written by Fabrizio Colombi | November 12, 2020



Ninety-seven percent of digital consumers have consumed a form of social media, you should be investing in social ads right away. The latest forecasts are predicting a 20% rise in social ad spending in 2020 and it will continue to rise in the coming years. But before you try and jump on this opportunity to advertise socially, you should be able to know the do’s and don’ts for this strategy. You need to acquaint yourself with the right formula that will ensure your ad spend is successful.



Learn these common mistakes that business make with their social ad strategy.

Avoid them and you’ll see a significant change in your ROI in no time.

  1. Investing the bulk of the ad upfront without audience testing

When a business decides to invest in social ads, they would usually create an audience that targets what they already know about their consumers. They may have data about the age range, geographical location, gender, and interests. Regardless of all of this relevant information, audience testing is still imperative for social ads. Some businesses believe they already know to target their audience for the highest ROI and invest most of their ad spend budget upfront, hungry for quick results. What you can do is to invest in a small test ad to test your educated guess, then adjust accordingly. Keep the ad consistent, but change key factors in the audience and see what happens.

  1. Loss of sales and potential customers from ad comments

Social ads backed by a large ad spend are often exposed to thousands, if not millions of people. This also means it is exposed to chances of negative comments. It could be a former client or someone who just doesn’t like your ad. Bottomline, negative comments lead to a loss of sales.

Think of it this way: If you saw an ad for a product you are interested to buy, but upon checking the reviews you notice that a lot of people said that the product didn’t work or that they had a horrible experience. Your first instinct would probably be to forget about your plan of buying the product. Your sales will definitely go down if people see these negative reviews on your product or service.

  1. Not having a clear call to action

The ultimate goal of a social ad is to spur action. You cannot achieve this if it is unclear to the viewer how to take action. You can educate them on what your product or service is and might click the link, but you need to be clear about what you want them to do. Adding a “buy” button increases the likelihood of buying something they see in a social ad. You need to be able to make the call to action as easy as possible for your target market. Create a simple button that saves them from searching for your website online, and the order process should be as seamless as possible. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be.