Decographic's Blog

Martin Luther King Jr. Inspiration For Content Marketers

Written by Daniela Belevan | January 18, 2016


The famous Martin Luther King Jr. inspired so many people over the years while he lived and after his death. Though most find him inspiring in topics such as history and rhetoric, you as content marketers may also find inspiration from him.


You might be asking why Martin Luther King Jr. and not someone else?

Well, the answer is simple. As content marketers, there’s a lot of pressure and demand on our shoulders. Every day, we’re expected to bring out fresh and original content that will make websites stand out. So we understand, it’s easy to get burned out fast. That’s why it is important to find good sources of inspiration or figures to serve as muses. Though there is nothing wrong with coming up with original ideas, they bring out one’s rich and vibrant imagination after all, but in the end you will end up looking for new material outside.

Going back to Martin Luther King Jr., one can find inspiration from him as his words influence many people even until today.

To help you get started, we picked and put together a list of inspiring quotes that will help you come up with great content and inspire yourself as well.

1. “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

This quote about faith talks about courage in the face of uncertainty. This is a perfect quote for any content marketer because we all know that getting started on a project is harder than finishing it. This is because everything falls into place once the first few sentences are made and just starting at a blank page is enough to send anyone into frustration.

2. “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.”

Here, Luther King Jr. tells us that the best is not someone who wanders, but someone that makes things happen. How does this reflect into social media and content marketing? One of the biggest challenges in marketing is to cut through the noise every single published content out there, that means is to create great content. That also means you have to be several steps ahead of the crowd and to lead everyone. However, though this is easy to say, it’s hard to do but it's still do-able. Instead of finding out what everybody wants and spoon-feeding it to them, draw them to you by presenting ideas, insights and experiences that they haven’t experienced. Not only will you sound convincing but you’ll also be genuine.

3. “Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education.”

Think about it: money comes and goes but knowledge is something that you can give away and keep at the same time. Many wonder why they seem to be stagnant in their duties even if they know they are pushing out good content. But think of it as this: is your great content valuable? Content marketers should remember that they are more than just makers of content but they are also educators. They should be presenting content that is not only important but also valuable for their reader to come and take away with them.

Content Marketing can unlock your sites potential to elevate itself in the internet, just be mindful that there are best practices for going about this, here are some tips for making your content marketing be successful.

 What else do you think content marketers can learn from Martin Luther King? Drop us a comment below, share your thoughts, and have a happy MLK Day!