Decographic's Blog

How to Create a Detailed Buyer Persona in 2023

Written by Daniela Belevan | January 6, 2023


As a business owner, you know that your target market is key to the success of your company. Without a detailed understanding of who your buyer is, it's difficult to create marketing and sales strategies that will resonate and convert. That's why creating a buyer persona is essential for any business.



But what exactly is a buyer persona? How do you go about creating one? Don't worry, we've got you covered. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the process of creating a detailed buyer persona for your business. We'll cover everything from identifying your ideal customer to understanding their needs and pain points. By the end of this post, you'll have all the information you need to start building targeted campaigns that will speak directly to your target market. Ready to get started? Let's jump in!

Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers based on data and research. It helps you focus your time on qualified prospects, guide product development to suit the needs of your target customers, and align all work across your organization. Having a buyer persona will help you attract high-value visitors, leads, and customers to your business. It is also critical to driving content creation, product development, sales follow-up, and anything that relates to customer acquisition and retention.

Developing buyer personas allow you to create content and messaging that appeals to your target audience. It will also help you target or personalize your marketing for different segments of your audience. This will create a domino effect on other areas because there will be smaller targets to reach out to.

If this is critical to the success of the business, the question is, how do you actually make one?

The good news, they are not that difficult to create. You just need to know how to obtain your market research and customer data, and the presentation of that information within your business. You can conduct research, surveys, and interviews – all with a mix of customers, prospects, and those outside your contacts database who might align with your target audience. You can choose whatever you want for as long as you get the right market.

Follow this simplified process on how to create your own buyer persona for your business.


Define your target market

One of the first steps to successful marketing is understanding your target market. It's important to know who you're talking to and how best to get their attention. While it may seem obvious, many businesses fail at this basic task. Ultimately, defining your target market includes studying both demographics and consumer behavior such as what products they are actively consuming, what companies they are loyal to, and even what media outlets they consume most often. Doing your homework can help you understand and grow a customer base that is ideal for your brand and ensure that you have an audience that will engage with your offering.

Tip: Ask demographic-based questions over the phone, in person, or with online surveys. You can also use descriptive buzzwords and mannerisms of your persona that you may have picked up during your conversations to make it easier for your team to identify certain personas when talking to prospects.


Share what you learned about your persona’s motivations.

This is the time when you need to distill the information you learned from interviews. What keeps your persona up at night? Who do they want to be? Being able to understand what motivates another person can be invaluable for relationships and communication; it can allow one to empathize more deeply with another person, understand them on a deeper level, and ultimately be better equipped to meet their needs or solve conflicts. Embracing this challenge can lead to better connections and a greater understanding of others. You need to be able to tell these people how your products or services can help them.

Help your team prepare for conversations with your persona.

No one knows your persona better than you, so helping your team prepare for conversations with them is essential in getting the big idea across effectively. A few simple steps can help ensure the conversation flows with ease – get to know their interests, think about how you're going to present your ideas, and practice, practice, practice!

Tip: You can include some real quotes from your interviews that exemplify what your personas are concerned about, who they are, and what they want. Then create a list of the objections they might raise so your team is prepared to address those during the actual conversations with them.


Craft messaging for your persona

Crafting the perfect message for your persona is no simple task, but it's essential for getting your message across! Whether you're writing a blog post or developing a website, having strong and consistent messaging can make all the difference. While not every message needs to be funny, don't shy away from injecting humor! Making your target audience smile or laugh can be a great way to make your content memorable and enhance your connection with them. Just be strategic and thoughtful in the jokes you use so that they don't feel out of place.

Come up with a situation on how to talk about your products or services with your persona. This includes the nitty-gritty vocabulary you should use, as well as a more general elevator pitch that positions your solution in a way that resonates with your persona. Circulate this within your company to make sure that they speak the same language when they are having conversations with leads and customers.

One final tip is to give your persona a name so everyone can refer to each persona the same way allowing for cross-team consistency. If you want expert advice on how to create a buyer persona, a digital marketing agency can help you out. This will make your work a lot easier and they can also help you with creating the best buyer persona for your business.