Decographic's Blog

How To Increase Your Conversion Rate On Twitter

Written by Florence Valderrama | October 30, 2014

At this point, many marketers have noticed that Twitter isn’t just great for creating and strengthening a brand image, but it is also useful when it comes to researching audiences. But knowing isn’t enough; in order to be successful, a marketer needs to know how to use Twitter and build a business. To tweet just for the sake of tweeting is not effective on its own, all these efforts need to be measured and analyzed to improve performance. To help you optimize your presence on Twitter as well as generate sales and leads, here are some tips and statistics:


1. “Title tweets” and “copy tweets.”

Title tweets contain the title of a blog post together with a link post. Copy tweets contain copy pasted content of the blog post. The average amount of clicks per tweet for titles was 100 clicks and 98 clicks for copies in June 2014.

2. Include shortened links.

It’s easier for users to interact with content if there is a direct link they can just click and gain access to. Almost 92 percent of user interactions are link clicks with tweets.

3. Use attention-grabbing pictures.

Some audiences don’t like to read long tweets. To avoid being ignored, attach images to make your tweets more interesting. It’s been known that tweets with images receive 18 percent more click-throughs, 150 percent more retweets, and 89 percent more favorites.

4. Ask for retweets.

It’s just a simple reminder. Studies show that by asking, chances increased up to 12 times higher, using the word ‘Retweet,’ chances increase 23 times higher than average, and when the abbreviation ‘RT,’ is used chances increase to 10 times higher.

5. Use call to action words.

Actionable words encourage users and give them a reason to do something. Words such as “download,” according to Twitter will increase clicks on average by 13 percent.

6. Recycle tweets.

By repeating the message at a different time, you target a different audience, but still generate more or less the same number of clicks.

7. Tweet about Twitter.

Tweets with blog posts or offers from Twitter and other social media platforms, receive 22.5 percent more clicks on average for a tweet in May 2014.

8. Don’t worry about how many followers you have.

Some users just follow for the sake of following and are passive. According to a social monitoring website, 91 percent of social mentions came from accounts with less than 500 followers.

9. Schedule your tweets.

Majority of Twitter users are active late at night after a long day at work or school. So to generate more retweets, tweet between 10:00pm and 11:00pm.

10. Be promptly responsive.

It is only business etiquette to keep up with your customers. It’s been shown that 53 percent of users who tweet at a business to expect a response at least within the hour and the percentage increases to 72 percent if it’s a complaint.

11. Statistics expand reach, and not generate more clicks.

Tweets containing statistics receive 5.4 percent more retweets, but 32.7 percent fewer clicks per tweets.

12. Convert visitors into leads.

When you tweet, it’s better to use clearly stated offers as these generate 18 percent more clicks and 29.8 percent more retweets.