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What is the Difference Between Content and Context Marketing Strategy?

Written by Daniela Belevan | March 17, 2022


At first glance, you may think that context marketing and content marketing don't have something in common. But that is not the case. Content is now a crucial part of basically every online activity, and now there's a new branch of marketing: context marketing. Its importance to the average brand is proof of the power of quality content.



However, creating content is not enough. For content to work in marketing, you need a distribution plan. This distribution plan ensures people see your content. It expands your reach and allows you to connect with your audience. Context is what makes content meaningful to your reader. It is also what makes your distribution strategy a good one, or a bad one.


What Is Context Marketing?

To define, context marketing is the practice of delivering the right marketing message to the right person at precisely the right moment. It is important because we are all surrounded by an endless amount of content on a daily basis. We see thousands of ads every day and naturally, they lose their impact on the average consumer.

Context marketing adds a new dimension to your content so that the people who see it connect with it on a personal level. It should speak to a specific challenge they may be facing or a specific interest they have.


Steps on How to Build Your Content Marketing Strategy


  1. Know Your Audience.

This is the most important step each brand should know. They should give a lot of attention to the thought process these people were likely going through. If you haven’t taken the time to know your buyer personas in detail, now is the time to make them.


  1. Consider the Pain Points and Obstacles.

Context marketing’s goal is to make the customer journey more intuitive and streamlined for the buyer. You need to find out where in the sales funnel people get hung up, and why. Use this information to brainstorm ideas on how to help them overcome these obstacles.


  1. Create Supportive Content.

It is important that your content strategy is based on the obstacles you need to help your potential customers overcome. If a customer has trouble understanding how your solutions address his specific needs, you might need to consider creating case studies, informational articles, or explainer videos to demonstrate this. If a customer is unsure which solution is right, create product sheets that detail the specifications of each of your products or services. If you think you need help, contact your Miami marketing firm so we can walk you through the process.


  1. Use Personalization Tags or Dynamic Features.

Because context marketing is all about personalizing experiences whenever possible, you need to set up triggers that will provide the most helpful information to your audience at the right time. For retail businesses, you can deploy a chatbot on your website to ask potential customers if they need help after they have visited multiple product pages. You can also create a cart abandonment email that is being sent to a user after leaving a website without buying the items in their cart. Choose a strategy that you think will be fit for your business.