Decographic's Blog

Why Your Website Needs a Chatbot

Written by Daniela Belevan | August 3, 2018



We are at an era of fast-paced technology and modernization where almost anything and everything is expected to be there in an instant. Even visitors on your website generally tend to just stay for an average of a minute, or even less. This is why it comes as a challenge when these clients want to inquire or ask for info without the frustration of delay due to human limitations. People want attention and they usually want it now. This is why real-time chat systems have become such an advantageous tool. You can’t deny it that no matter how man technical service crew you have, they will never possibly be able to cater to all clients especially when they inquire at the same time.





The fact is that using a chatbot reduces manpower costs and unwanted hassle for your clients. Companies that use these systems can possibly save up to 50% on support costs. It’s relatively easy to set-up and you can customize it as much as you want to predetermined responses.




Like any other chat, these chatbot systems can also record and categorize all the client interactions means that you have the advantage of reviewing and assessing client problems and suggestions. This means you can create content based on those issues and concerns. This sets up searches leading to your website and potentially gaining more visitors and returning followers. If you’re marketing type of website or at the least you offer some kind of service, these chatbots can help more sales.


The fact that you can respond instantly means that clients will tend to stay hooked and potentially take your offer. Almost half of buyer interest are on a whim and delayed responses tend to fail as most customers will possibly change their mind as the day goes by. You can also use those sale chat transcripts to further study what the trends are and what you can still improve on to get more sales. Lastly, chatbots can add a personal flair to your website as this establishes a unique engagement with visitors and these systems can even be set to deliver a quick preview of what your brand is.