Decographic's Blog

Best Social Media Platforms for Video Content in 2022

Written by Daniela Belevan | January 26, 2022


In recent years, Gen-Z targeting platforms like TikTok and Instagram have been on the rise. However, when asked where they primarily watch videos, 35% say YouTube, and only around 8% watch videos on Instagram. It is also surprising to know that 20% primarily use TikTok for video. This shows that the platform could continue to have a promising future for content marketers.



Given all of these data, one thing we understand is that video content gives the highest engagement levels and ROI on both Facebook and Instagram. You just need to know the best platform for your audience and learn 3 tips on how to share videos on social media.


1. For most platforms, zone in on snackable content.

It is inevitable that the world is becoming more fast-paced every day. Most people watch social media videos in their spare time. Some are watching them between meetings, while in line at the store, or on public transit. That is why it is important to create “snackable” or super short-form content. These snackable videos on social media can actually drive more engagement than static images. Make sure videos are auto-play-friendly because most platforms automatically start playing video content as viewers scroll. Keep them short and put the key messaging in the first few seconds to capture your audience easily.




2. Test different video formats.

Although it is highly suggested to create snackable content, longer videos can still be a thing, as long as they are engaging and valuable to your audience. These are still important if you want to tell a longer, but entertaining story.

Aside from long-form videos, it is also suggested to try out other formats like live streams, interactive videos, and shopping videos on different platforms like Instagram and Facebook. As new video formats emerge, it is helpful for you to try and see if it works for your brand.




3. Meet your video audiences where they are.

Some content will perform better on some social media platforms rather than others. Snackable, consumer-facing content performs well with YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok while a B2B marketing video or a Q&A with a corporate leader usually performs better on a professional-facing network like LinkedIn. The key ingredient here is to do your research and learn the demographics of each major network, identify which audiences might engage most with your content, and start publishing video content where it makes the most sense for your brand and your brand goals.




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