Decographic's Blog

The Best Time to Send an E-mail in 2021

Written by Fabrizio Colombi | July 7, 2021

If you check the timestamps on your emails, you will notice that most of your emails, especially subscription emails were sent between 9-10 AM or 5-6 PM. You may wonder why that is?



Generally, the highest click-to-open rates are 10 AM at 21%, 1 PM at 22%, and spike near 6 PM. This data reflects when most audiences begin or conclude their day and have the most time to check their emails.


So if you are a business owner trying to advertise your sale or promotion, try sending them during the times your audience usually takes their lunch breaks because they are more likely to check their emails at this time. In addition to that, people are opening and reading through their emails in the middle of the week. It's good to keep in mind the lowest unsubscribe rate: the beginning of the week.


It is important to keep your audience in mind when it comes to the schedule of emails. If your buyer persona is a business professional with a 9-5 job, sending emails during their normal downtimes is the best.


Another thing to note is the content of your email. Emails should be personalized with what your customers want to see, which allows you to have an instant form of communication with them. It should contain relevant information that makes your customers get interested in learning more about, like discount offers, business updates, or product/service launches.


There are a lot of available email tools that allow users to create and send automated emails, like HubSpot. The email marketing tool allows you to schedule your emails according to the preferences you’ve set. After setting up the content, your emails will be sent to the list(s) of contacts you select.


Measuring the Performance of Your Sent Emails

Before wondering about the best time for you to send a marketing email, you need to know the email metrics first.


Click-through Rate

This refers to the number of people who open a link or image in an email. It usually produces a small number compared to the total number of emails opened since some people will open your email but abandon it without engaging with it any further.


Click-to-open Rate

It is the number of people that opened your email and clicked on any links. This metric will help you identify which information in your email is relevant to consumers.


Open Rate

This is the percentage of the number of subscribers who opened your email. Emails with great open rates usually are those that are short and with an effective subject line. They are also optimized for previews and pre-header text.


After studying the different metrics, you will be able to successfully measure the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. You will also be able to experiment and discover the best times to send your emails to your target audience. One more tip is to continue experimenting and seeing what works best with your audience.