Decographic's Blog

How to Get Started With Conversion Rate Optimization

Written by Fabrizio Colombi | September 8, 2021

One of the main goals of marketing teams right now is to drive traffic towards websites in hope that it will eventually close sales. However, this does not happen every day.



Marketing teams should be able to understand the power of conversion rate optimization (CRO). By improving the conversion rate successfully, it can propel companies toward long-term, sustainable growth.


What is CRO?

Conversion rate optimization is the process of enhancing your website and content in order to boost conversions. It allows you to boost your number of highly qualified leads, increase revenue, lower acquisition costs, obtain greater value from current leads and customers, and grow better.

What’s good about conversions is that they can happen all over your website: on your homepage, pricing page, blog, landing pages, and more. The trick is to optimize each location in order to maximize the potential of converting website visitors into paying customers.

With CRO, it is important to know how the conversion rate works. A good conversion rate depends on the industry niche, goals, traffic channel, and audience demographics, among other factors. If the conversion rate is lower than you’d like, most likely it is below average in your industry, or lower than your top competitors. It can also mean that you are underperforming against your own goals. It will lead you to think that it is time to optimize. Calculating your website’s conversion rate will allow you to have a better understanding of how much time and resources you need to invest in a CRO strategy for your business.


How do websites benefit from CRO?

1. Homepage

This is a given for CRO. Aside from making the first impression on visitors, the homepage is also an opportunity to retain those visitors and guide them further into your website.

In order to make visitors stay, emphasize links to product information, offer a free signup button, or incorporate a chatbot that solicits questions from visitors at any point during their browsing process.


2. Pricing Page

This is the make-or-break point for many website visitors. CRO can help a pricing page convert visitors into customers by modifying the pricing intervals, describing product features associated with each price, including a phone number of visitors to call for a price quote, or even adding just a simple pop-up form.


3. Blog

Creating a blog has a massive conversion potential. In addition to publishing thoughtful and helpful content about your industry, a blog can also use CRO to convert readers into leads. This process often includes adding calls-to-action (CTA) in the article. Sometimes it invites readers to learn more about the topic by submitting their email address in exchange for an ebook or report.


4. Landing Pages

Landing pages are inherently designed for people to take action. It can be optimized with a video of last year’s event to encourage visitors to register this year. Another suggestion is to offer a free resource that can be optimized with preview content from that resource to encourage visitors to download it.