Decographic's Blog


Written by Daniela Belevan | August 27, 2018




Whenever you want to have some answers to your questions, the first place you tend to go for an advice would probably be Google. They answer to almost four billion search queries every day. Amazing!



After entering the question into the search bar, it only takes a matter of seconds for the search results to appear. These search results are called content. Whether you know it or not, you consume content on a daily basis. They basically keep us informed, answers our questions, entertain us, make us smile, guides our decisions, and more. That is why a lot of digital marketing services are available in the market for them to reach the first page of the search results.

For a more detailed meaning, content creation means the process of generating topic ideas that appeal to your buyer persona, creating written or visual content around those ideas, and making that information accessible to your audience as a blog, video, infographic, or other formats.


Why Content is Important

Content creation is considered as the ultimate inbound marketing practice. Creating content allows you to provide free and useful information to your audience, attracting potential customers to your website, and retaining existing customers through quality engagement. Digital marketing services have surfaced mainly because of content. This is also one reason why design companies do not focus on the aesthetic part of the project but also on the quality of the content they do. 

By creating content, you are also generating ROI for your company because content marketing can bring three times as many leads and 62% less than the traditional marketing. It was also discovered that 61% of online purchases are the direct result of a customer reading a blog. Lastly, research has shown that companies publishing 16+ blog posts per month get 3 and a half times more traffic than those that post four or fewer posts per month. 

Content can mean business growth. That means you need to know the right content strategy for your business.







A content strategy should include everything from brand and tone to how you will promote the content and eventually repurpose it. One thing to keep in mind is to set content goals. This is also similar to a traditional marketing campaign where the content strategy should be centered on your marketing goals. These goals could range from attracting a lot of visitors to the site to generating more leads to anything in between – as long as they’re SMART goals.

After creating the goals of your content, you need to identify the target audience. You need to know whom you’re speaking to and how you want to speak to them and where to find them. You’ll know you created great content when each reader feels like you’re speaking directly with them. Keep in mind that you should be marketing to humans who want to feel connected. A buyer persona should be the person that you want to reach with your content.

Lastly, you need to rely on the buyer’s journey. Your customers usually follow a path to a solution – this path involves awareness, consideration, and decision stages. Ensure to create content for each stage of the buyer’s journey so that no visitors will fall through the cracks and that every individual that comes to your site feels like they are receiving relevant, useful information.