Nowdays in the tech industry, the term UX and UI seem to be used a lot. If you are new to these terms, then you might be confused as to what these are. UI is short for user interface and UX is for user experience. These terms might be new to some, but to tell the truth, these have been used long before the abbreviated terminology was introduced. Unfortunately, the two terms can be confusing sometimes, especially to those who are new to the tech industry such as aspiring professionals who have just started their career including designers and job seekers.
So what is the difference between UX and UI?
Is UX the same as UI?
The most common misunderstanding that you will sometimes experience in the design industry, is the combination and interchanging of UX and UI. The confusion might start with the fact that both abbreviations start with the letter U, but they're actually both very different.
UI is a tool
UI or user interface is one of the most powerful tools that we have and is being used a lot especially in building websites and operating systems. Without a reliable user interface, your website will not be able to function the way you want, causing problems when it comes to user experience. When it comes to developing the perfect UI for your website, you will need to hire a good team of designers. User interface is not developed overnight and you will need to have a few ups and downs first before you are able to create the best UI for your website.
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UX is all about the User's Experience
Now we talk about UX. Do you think that UX is also a tool? To be honest, it's not a tool. If you are applying for a job as a designer, you might come across a job description that says "UX Designer". When it comes to UX design, it is all about developing the perfect user interface. This way, it will be user friendly and can enhance the experience of your customer, making sure that your site is easily navigable. UX is not a tool but rather a concept of different dimensions that includes a lot of disciplines like interaction design, visual design and a whole lot more.
So if you are still confused about the two, always remember that UI is a tool and UX is a concept.
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